Why disabled people shoud be killed?
In 1972, the Eugenic Protection Law Revision Bill was presented to the Diet. This bill aimed at restricting women’s access to abortion, but at the same time, it contained a clause for selective abortion of a fetus with severe disabilities. Blue Grass Group strongly opposed to this bill because it would deny the existence of disabled people. In the leaflet, “Is It Natural that Disabled People should be Killed?: An Objection to The Eugenic Protection Law Revision Bill,” published in 1972, they wrote as follows.
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Disability Movement and Inner Eugenic Thought
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We disabled people are living. We really want to live.
Actually, many fellow disabled people are trying hard to live their painful lives.
And other people can never judge whether our lives are “happy” or “unhappy.”
It is even more unallowable that egoistic non-disabled people should kill disabled fetuses because they are “defective descendents,” and that they should make an excuse that it is done for the “happiness of disabled people (fetuses).”
All of you citizens, students, and workers.
We strongly oppose to the Eugenic Protection Law Revision Bill that is based on the idea that fundamentally denies the existence of “disabled people” and leads us to kill “disabled fetuses” in their mothers’ wombs.
(Extraction from the document. The expression “defective descendents” was found in Article One of the Eugenic Protection Law.)
>> To read more please visit:
Disability Movement and Inner Eugenic Thought
(You can read the entire text)
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