Aoi Shiba no Kai, We act like this

Hiroshi Yokota announced the declaration of activity, “We Act Like This,” in their journal Ayumi in 1970. The following is a translation of the epoch-making document.
We Act Like This
Blue Grass Group (Aoi Shiba no Kai), 1970

* We identify ourselves as people with Cerebral Palsy (CP).
We recognize our position as “an existence which should not exist,” in the modern society. We believe that this recognition should be the starting point of our whole movement, and we act on this belief.

* We assert ourselves aggressively.
When we identify ourselves as people with CP, we have a will to protect ourselves. We believe that a strong self-assertion is the only way to achieve self-protection, and we act on this belief.

* We deny love and justice.
We condemn egoism held by love and justice. We believe that mutual understanding, accompanying the human observation which arises from the denial of love and justice, means the true well-being, and we act on this belief.

* We do not choose the way of problem solving.
We have learnt from our personal experiences that easy solutions to problems lead to dangerous compromises. We believe that an endless confrontation is the only course of action possible for us, and we act on this belief. (Translation by Osamu Nagase, italics by Morioka. See note (5).)
Their declaration was based on the philosophy of “self-affirmation.” They thought that CP people do not need to adjust themselves to society, but that they should present their existence as it is, in other words, the existence as an unsocial and inefficient being.

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Disability Movement and Inner Eugenic Thought
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