Why must we live?
The following lists are some of the research topics I have in mind.
What is Life Studies
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1) Philosophical inquiry into some basic concepts concerning life, death, and nature>> To read more please visit:
The ultimate aim of life studies is to help us live our limited lives without regret, hence, first, we have to make clear what is the exact meaning of "limited life." We are all going to die sooner or later, but what does this mean to us exactly? Surprisingly, this is an extremely hard qestion to answer. This question is closely connected with another one, "what happens when I die?" But we cannot know anything certain about this question. Hence, the question of life studies would be like this, "What is the meaning of "limited life" when we do know nothing about life after death?" Life studies does not deny religion. Life studies follows a different path from religion, keeping touch with religious people with mutual respest. And we have to make clear other important questions, such as "What is life without regret?", "We are all going to die in the end, so why must we live?" "What is the difference between "life" and "existence"?", and so on. Probably "life without regret" means that when I die I can really believe that I am happy to have been born. Some of the topics were discussed in the book, Painless Civilization (2003). Research on images of life mentioned in the section 1 would be of great help.
What is Life Studies
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