Criticism of contemporary society, civilization, and scientific technology

4) Critique of contemporary society, civilization, and scientific technology
A search for the meaning of life usually tends to aim at personal healing and self-realization, but we should go forward to the next important step, the critique of contemporary society, civilization, and scientific technology, because contemporary civilization cleverly takes away from us the meaning of life and the possibility of living a life without regret (See Painless Civilization). This critique should lead to the reconsideration of the existing scientific methodology and social systems. We should make clear what kind of society is preferable in order for all of us to be able to fully pursue lives without regret, and how we can create its social system. A transformation of the self without changing society is not the goal of life studies.

5) Inquiry into the world of life
All life on the earth are closely connected with one another. Humans are no exception. We cannot live without killing and eating other creatures. Our live is supported by fresh air, water, crops, and domesticated animals. One of the most important features of life studies is to think about the meaning of human life in relationship with other creatures on the earth, and with nature -- the matrix of life. After we die, our bodies return to the earth and the air, that is to say, all parts of our bodies spread back to the matrix of life, hence, the meaning of human life and death should also be considered from the viewpoint of our relationship with nature and the environment. Many creatures on the earth, including humans, share a lot of genes and the process of evolution, hence, our lives without regret cannot be separated from our relationships with other creatures and the natural environment. (See Concept of Inochi(life), and Life Torn Apart).

6) The third way between religion and science
Life studies deals with the journey of our irreplaceable life, which cannot be scientifically replicated, because we cannot live any moment of our life twice. At the same time, life studies says nothing about God, the transcendent being, and the afterlife, because we can't have certain knowledge about them. Life studies does not deny science or religion. Life studies simply follows a different path from science and religion. Life studies seeks post-religious spirituality of life, death, and nature, without using the language of religion. We help promote dialogue between life studies and religion, that is, religious approaches to life studies, and life studies approaches to religion.

7) Practices of life studies
There are three interrelated approaches in the practices of life studies.
a) Systematic approach: Collaborative research aiming at interdisciplinary knowledge and wisdom for life without regret.
b) Dialogue approach: Examination of existing disciplines from the viewpoint of life studies, and discussion between life studies and these disciplines.
c) Personal approach: A personal practice of examining one's own life for solving one's own private problems by using life studies concepts and methods.

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